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Lovers of profit on the Internet on time with a new and unique site to make money by shortening links with premium amounts per 1,000 visits up to about US $ 5, which is a huge amount for short link sites. And the profit from short links depends heavily on your effort to reach the amounts of respectable and I will give you a special gift you will inevitably like to facilitate the process of profit and get money from this site as soon as possible.
This new site is named tmearn and is one of the trusted sites paid on your PayPal account. The site offers amounts of up to $ 5 per thousand downloads if visitors are from the United States, Britain, Canada or Australia. Countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE , France, the value of a thousand loads to $ 4 and Arab countries such as Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain and Turkey will receive $ 3 per 1000 downloads.
As for the registration method after opening the site from the following link tmearn
You will have to fill in the data in the form in the image above. Then you will have an account on the site and you can start to profit directly by pressing New Shorten Link and you can add any link you want to shorten and publish on sites, especially on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and forums to get the largest number of visits to the link and start to profit.
Here I will inform you about the gift that I will give you, a file containing the most 30 groups interacting on Facebook and these groups are interacting with fire and foreign gropes can publish what suits these groups of links after shortening on a daily basis and earn respectable amounts of this method so a friend I know has a decent amount of money from this site.
As mentioned above, the site is reliable and honest. It is paid to its users periodically upon reaching the minimum fee of US $ 5. After the request for profits, you will be credited to your PayPal account within 24 hours.
You can also make a profit from the on-site referral system to earn 20% of the amount the registrars get through your invitation link, which you can get by entering the Referrals box and copying the link that will appear to you as illustrated in the image above.
I hope that this post has impressed you and received your approval and that you are successful in winning large sums, God willing.