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Due to excessive our use of smart phones has become many of us are lacking of view because of the latter, where it became difficult to undo the use of these smart devices because it has become occupies an important place in our lives, so I wanted to share with you a set of applications that nominated you to a group of eye doctors to contribute to the preservation on your eyesight and CDA to avoid the effect of light rays in our eyes when we use the phone, especially in the dark and this increases the weakness of the eyes.
1. Darker
Of the best applications that currently use them to maintain the integrity of the eye, where the application can adjust the screen light automatically with the room light sensors via phone, of course.
2. Blue Light Filer
his application has been put forward by the party of a friend who were studying in the field of ophthalmology, where one of them suggested doctors this application in order to help them maintain the integrity of their eyes.
3. CF lumen
All know that red light rays are the only ones not affected on the eyes, which are available on the beams could correspond to the eyes for a long time, but the opposite for the other colors, but this suggests that you this infrared application to maintain the integrity of your eyes and the application is available on the sensors enable to determine the appropriate light rays and compatible phone with where you are.