One of the most important features that came with the LG New G6, which was launched a few days ago, which is expected to also come by phone Galaxsy S8 that will be released, God willing, after about a month from now, are the screens curved feature. Most phones we have come external curved like S7 edge but the problem is they come limbs or severe forms of rectangles length rotate 90 ° degrees, how you can add the bow feature to screen any Android phone to get you in the form of a modern mobile phone's screen? That's what me discover God in the creation of this topic.
If all you have to do is download the application Roundr through the link you will find the bottom of the post, the application of the development of the brother "Mohammed Abid" Developer Arabic course, immediately after opening the application are enabled this by pressing to Enable Roundr.
Parties hold such phone will become curved as a phone LG G6 and S8 and surprise his friends.
And is available in many fine features of the application will invite you to look ahead by yourselves.